Religious Education Classes begin Sunday, September 18, 2022, at 9:30 AM in the Parish Center.
The priority of all Christians is to form ourselves in the way of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit we are to grow always in our most basic human vocation of knowing God, loving God, and serving God in this world and being happy with God forever in the next.
The home is the first and most important location for teaching the faith to our children. It is in the home where our children first learn of the love of God and how we are to love God in return. Our religious education program is intended to assist and support the faith formation that takes place in the home.
Religious Education for Youth is held in the Parish Center located two doors east of the church. Classes are held Sundays from 9:30 AM. to 10:15 A.M. In general, we follow the school year calendar.
Our Director of Religious Education is Alicia Laffoon, PhD. Alicia is an energetic and “hands on” leader. Her enthusiasm and love for our children are evident in everything she does. She is always thinking of new and exciting ways to impress upon our children how much God loves them and how they can live in that love and celebrate God’s love in everyday life. WIth her back
Our program’s emphasis is on teaching the basic principles of our Catholic faith so our children are equipped to handle the many challenges they will encounter in life. We make every effort to engage our children and provide them with a solid foundation.
Please do not hesitate to bring your children to us, even if our program has already begun. We will accommodate any necessary situation to insure your child may grow in the love of God.