Remember in your prayers: Sharon Simpson, Mary Sexton, Archbishop Kurtz, Helen Lucas, Gavin Francis, Jo Ellen’s mom, Mary Ellen, Norma Cartwright, Dolores Hayden, the Boniewski family, Lonnie Howard, Katie Kon, and Mary Beth Norris.
Also remember in your prayers the homebound, those in nursing homes, those who have no one to pray for them, those in prisons, physical or mental and those who have unspoken prayer requests.
This Friday, Nov. 1, is
ALL SAINTS DAY. Mass will be celebrated at 6:00 p.m. at St. Ann. Due to the holyday, there will be
NO First Friday Mass and adoration at Blessed Sacrament.
REMEMBERING LOVED ONES: We celebrate our November Masses in remembrance of our loved ones who have gone before us to eternal rest. Envelopes are in the narthex for you to provide the names of the loved ones you wish to remember in a special way throughout November. Place the envelope in the collection basket. These envelopes will then be placed on the altar and left there all month so that loved ones will be remembered at each Mass. Optional donations may be placed in the envelope and proceeds will be used to assist the poor.
Happy October Birthday to:
5 John Kujawski
6 Ann Pelc
19 Helen Lucas
30 Mary Wilson
31 Cindy E. King
*Father Michael's "Penny Catechism" (A fun and informative little morsel of Catholic teaching and trivia)* Last week's question along with the answer:
Question #142:What is a baldacchino?
Answer: In many of the great churches, a beautifully ornate canopy (pronounced
ball·duh·key'·no) is constructed over the main altar. Its origins are ancient and obscure. We may presume its original purpose was the same as its purpose today. The baldacchino is intended to create a visual and spiritual connection between what is before us and what is above. Before us is the Last Supper. Above us is the heavenly banquet. As we approach the altar, the baldacchino guides our eyes heavenward. The mystery of the Holy Eucharist joins the two as one.
Question #143: If there is no Oil of the Infirm available, may a priest still administer the sacrament of the sick?
The answer will appear in next week's bulletin along with a new question