Remember in your prayers: Mary Sexton, Archbishop Kurtz, Helen Lucas, Gavin Francis, Jo Ellen’s mom, Mary Ellen,Dolores Hayden, the Boniewski family, Lonnie Howard, Katie Kon, and Mary Beth Norris.
Also remember in your prayers the homebound, those in nursing homes, those who have no one to pray for them, those in prisons, physical or mental and those who have unspoken prayer requests.
ASH WEDNESDAY: This Wednesday, February 26, Mass and distribution of ashes at 6p.m.
PARISH COUNCIL will be held at 6 p.m. on March 11, right before the Penance Service.
FOR THOSE WHO DIDN’T GET ONE BEFORE, we have in the narthex, more copies of the book,
Letter to a Suffering Church by Bishop Robert Barron. Feel free to get your copy or pick up a copy for friends or family.
POINSETTIAS from Christmas are in the narthex for any “green-thumbers” to take home. Or if don’t want the plants, feel free to take one or more for the soil in the pots. There are also some empty pots and foil sleeves available.
LENT STARTS THIS WEDNESDAY Lenten Communal PenanceServiceswill be: Saint Ann Wednesday March 11 7:00pm eastern
Saint Alphonsus – Crossville Tuesday March 3 6:00pm central
Blessed Sacrament – Harriman Wednesday March 4 7:00pm
DURING LENT, you may want to read the book,
Lenten Gospel Reflections, by Bishop Robert Barron. Thanks to JoEllen, there are copies in the narthex for you to take.
Happy February Birthday to:
1 Lonnie Howard 3 Charles Hutson 23 Lynn Pemberton-Werner
26 Tom Ogle
*Father Michael's "Penny Catechism"(A fun and informative little morsel of Catholic teaching and trivia)* (Last week's question along with the answer:) Question #159: What are vimpae?
Answer:Vimpae is the plural form of vimpa which refers to both special veils worn over the shoulders of two servers attending the bishop at Mass and to the servers themselves. Their liturgical responsibility is to remain close to the bishop and with hands covered with the vimpa, hold the bishop's miter and crozier until the bishop requires them.
Question #160: Why is the gospel of John so different from the other three gospels?
(The answer will appear in next week’s bulletin along with a new question)