Remember in your prayers: Mary Sexton, Archbishop Kurtz, Helen Lucas, Gavin Francis, Jo Ellen’s mom, Mary Ellen, Norma Cartwright, Dolores Hayden, the Boniewski family, Lonnie Howard, Katie Kon, and Mary Beth Norris.
Also remember in your prayers the homebound, those in nursing homes, those who have no one to pray for them, those in prisons, physical or mental and those who have unspoken prayer requests.
October 16.
SAVE THESE DATES: October 26 – Fall Clean Up at 9 a.m.
October 27 – Mass at 4 p.m. followed by Parish Fall Picnic
November 1 – All Saints Holyday Mass at 6 p.m.
Happy October Birthday to:
5 John Kujawski
6 Ann Pelc
19 Helen Lucas
30 Mary Wilson
31 Cindy E. King
*Father Michael's "Penny Catechism" (A fun and informative little morsel of Catholic teaching and trivia)* Last week's question along with the answer:
Question #140: What are the vesicles used during incensing?
Answer: The "pot" with one or several chains connected is the thurible. It is often simply called the censer. The top half of the thurible will slide up the chain(s) so incense may be sprinkled upon the burning charcoal disk previously placed in the thurible. The incense is contained in a vessel known as a boat. (Latin
navicula) It is named simply for its boat-like design.
Question #141: Why was the Church at one time opposed to cremation?
The answer will appear in next week's bulletin along with a new question