Remember in your prayers: Mary Sexton, Archbishop Kurtz, Gavin Francis, Jo Ellen’s mom, Mary Ellen,Norma Cartwright, Dolores Hayden, the Boniewski family, Lonnie Howard, Katie Kon, and Mary Beth Norris.
Also remember in your prayers the homebound, those in nursing homes, those who have no one to pray for them, those in prisons, physical or mental and those who have unspoken prayer requests.
ST. ANN CONTACT LISTS: Copies of the St. Ann Contact lists are on the table in the narthex.
Under Katie Kon: change John # to 423 223-8897
Under Betty Kober: add mobile # 865 210-5164
This Friday, September 6, 2019 is
FIRST FRIDAY. Mass at 6 p.m. at Blessed Sacrament. Adoration after Mass followed by Benediction at 7:30 p.m.
This Saturday, September 7 at Blessed Sacrament: The Church in the Third Millennium. Dying or Thriving? This is the topic of this year’s Blessed Sacrament parish day of reflection, given by Father Sweeney. Is what the Church has to offer no longer needed in the modern age? Has humanity outgrown spirituality? Or does the Church provide the answer to life’s deepest questions of meaning and purpose? Without faith, will humanity self-destruct? Join us in Blessed Sacrament Church Hall. Refreshments at 9 a.m., program from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Brown bag lunch, drinks and desserts provided. All are welcome. If interested sign up sheet is in the narthex, or let Mary Jo know.
Mark your calendar! At
7:00 pm on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 we will have a
Parish Pastoral Council meeting in the Holy Family room. If you would like to place a topic for discussion on the agenda, please pass it along to Father Michael. All parishioners are members of the Parish Pastoral Council.
2 Brian Shanley
12 Mary Sexton
23 Sherry Waschevski
*Father Michael's "Penny Catechism" (A fun and informative little morsel of Catholic teaching and trivia)* Last week's question along with the answer:
Question #134: Why does a priest traditionally wear black?
Answer: Quite literally, when you see a priest wearing black, you are supposed to think of death. That may seem a bit morbid, but the black color is to remind us that we are sojourners in this world. We are here for only a short time. Inevitably, that leads us to the questions concerning the true meaning and purpose of life.
Question #135: Christians frequently speak the name of Jesus. What does the word "Jesus" mean? Where did it come from?